Marriage equality long overdue

After 32 consecutive losses on statewide ballots, things were looking sour for supporters of gay marriage.

But a radical social shift tipped the scales on election day last month.

Maine, Maryland and Washington were added to the growing list of states that allowed gay marriage when they became the first to allow same-sex couples to marry by popular vote.

The three new states joined Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York. These stares have already legalized gay marriages thanks to their state legislatures.

This is wonderful news and a step closer to equality in America.

Allowing gays to marry should not even be debatable. Contrary to the beliefs of those who oppose gay marriage, same sex couples do not cause hurricanes nor will they elicit the end of the world.

There is no substantial proof that allowing gay couples to marry  would in any way affect the rest of the country negatively. Subjects that concern the situation of only two people should stay private.

One might argue that legalizing gay marriage will encourage other people to become gay. Yes, in the same way that being around tall people will make oneself taller.

And of course, homosexual couples will only raise homosexual kids because heterosexual couples always produce straight children, right?

But why is marriage so important to gay couples? They’re allowed relationships and civil unions. The only thing marriage would grant is a legal document, so why fight for it so fiercely?

They fight for the right to marry because gay couples are more often than not denied social security and other benefits that are only afforded heterosexual couples because of the fact that only heterosexual marriages are recognized by the state.

They’re not demanding special privileges or extra benefits. All they ask for is the rights that they’ve been denied.

Also, legalizing marriage between people of the same gender will encourage fair treatment of gays in general.

Too many gay youths have suffered from the pressures of society. In some areas, they are constantly bullied by their peers who should be providing moral support instead of dumping them in trash cans.

By legalizing gay marriage, people will be encouraged to view non-heterosexuals as equals, which will decrease the amount of self hate they feel and the unjust treatment they receive.

Many wonder what caused this sudden pro-gay marriage victory in these three states after more than half the country staunchly rejected any kind of marriage other than one between a man and woman.

Political analysts attribute the increase in support to President Obama’s public advocacy of gay marriage.

California has a chance to join the list of states legalizing gay marriage next year after the Supreme Court’s recent announcement that it has decided to rule on Proposition 8, the state’s 2008 ballot initiative that recognizes a marriage only between a man and woman.

The court could come back with  many different rulings, including requiring all states to legalize gay marriage or just California

I sincerely hope the chorus for marriage equality continues to grow and pronouncements of husband and husband, and wife and wife will be recognized by all.