‘Muppets Most Wanted’ is a must-see comedy

“Muppets Most Wanted” is full of slapstick humor, colorful musical numbers, and various celebrity cameos. The movie was released on March 21 and  is a guaranteed hit.

Starring Ty Burrell, Ricky Gervais, and Tina Fey, “Muppets” is a sequel to the critically acclaimed “The Muppets” (2011), which brought the Muppets back together after a prolonged separation.

But this sequel goes in a completely different direction.

The movie opens with a musical number (“We’re Doing a Sequel”) that pokes fun at its own absurdity, and then cuts to the Muppets wondering what to do next.

After a bit of debate, the group decides to go on a performing tour across Europe under the supervision of the suspiciously-named Dominic Badguy (Gervais). Although Kermit is initially hesitant, the Muppets eventually decide to do it. But this turns out to be an unwise decision on Kermit’s part, because Badguy is, predictably, a bad guy.

He works for Constantine, the world’s most dangerous frog and Kermit’s doppelganger.

Constantine, who has just broken out of a heavily-guarded gulag in Siberia, ambushes Kermit in Berlin and forces him to secretly switch places.

With Kermit now locked up in Siberia under the watchful eye of Nadya the prison guard (Fey), Constantine and Badguy are free to gallivant around Europe, stealing priceless pieces of art under the pretense of the Muppets tour.

While the devilish duo attempts to purloin various ancient artifacts, the rest of the Muppets are falling apart without Kermit’s guidance.

Animal gives three-hour-long drum solos, Gonzo sets up an “Indoor Running of the Bulls” and Walter worries about “Kermit’s” strange behavior.

Meanwhile, Miss Piggy hints rather heavily that she’d like a marriage proposal from “Kermit” some time soon.

On the case for the burglary of the art museums are CIA agent Sam Eagle and Interpol officer Jean Pierre Napoleon (Burrell).

Interspersed through the movie are flamboyant song-and-dance numbers, such as “I’m Number One,” “I’ll Get You What You Want,” and “Interrogation Song.”

The bright music broke up a few of the more dramatic scenes well. Fey and Burrell, both well known for their comedic timing, pull off their fake accents brilliantly.

Even the celebrity cameos,  including Tom Hiddleston, Salma Hayek, and James McAvoy, are wonderfully in-character, for their few seconds of screen time.  And of course, the Muppets themselves are priceless.

From the honeymoon-hungry Miss Piggy to the fumbling Fozzie Bear to the trapped Kermit, the puppets are versatile and hilarious in their roles.

As a person who isn’t familiar with the original Muppets movies, only the 2011 film, I wasn’t sure what quite to expect from the sequel.

But “Muppets Most Wanted” lived up to the expectations set by its predecessor. Fun and lighthearted, its fourth-wall humor and positive message won me over immediately.

I give it 3 of 4 Grizzly paws. If you’re a fan of the Muppets, this movie is a must-see.