Uber puppy service is more cuddly than ever

Seniors show exact level of maturity that we have all come to expect

Having a “ruff” day? Instead of chugging down  another cup of coffee, there’s now a much cuter alternative for that little boost during your mid-day crash.

Throughout the course of the past year, UberPuppies has been delivering little bundles of joy straight to the doorsteps of offices and college classrooms across the United States at the touch of a button.

Uber has been working with Animal Planet and various local animal rescue societies ever since the Puppy Bowl last year to deliver cars of puppies (yes, cars of them) to the requested destination, as well as promote the adoption of those little fur balls.

The customer gets a 15 minute session with the puppies for a $30 “cuddle fee,” which is donated directly to the participating rescue organization in each city. And the best part is that if you do fall in love with those cute little animals, the staff has adoption forms at hand.

But come on, let’s be real.This is a service that allows you to have a 15-minute-stand with a puppy without the commitment. Without the poop scooping. Without spontaneous “accidents” around the house for the first nine months. Without the attached responsibilities.

It’s no wonder the company has admitted that the demand for this service far outstrips the number of puppies available at shelters. Backed by a company with a wide audience of users, On-Demand-Puppies definitely appears to be garnering the attention and the hearts of many.

As Uber’s Austin General Manager Chris Nakutis said,  “Demand for Uber is generally very high. For puppies, it pretty much breaks the Internet.”

As stunning as it sounds, however, UberPuppies is only available in the ‘#UberPUPPIES Zone,’ which is limited to 10 cities in the U.S., including Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, Dallas, Washington, DC, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Seattle.

As usual, San Ramon is not one of the cities on the list since we are situated too far in the middle of nowhere, where the greatest neighborhood commotion culminates at the exhilarating Art and Wind Festival.

With Uber having the guts to launch a puppy-delivering network, it begs the question if companies like this will continue to up their game in offering awesome services.

In an age dominated by a digital presence, there is no limit to our ability to innovate and test the boundaries of human potential.

From the primitive beginnings of food delivery to instant puppy playtime at your fingertips, it is truly inspiring to see how far people have come as a society.