Teen lawsuit gives high schoolers a bad reputation

It’s common for teens to sometimes fantasize about running away from home and having a life in which parental supervision does not apply.

But Rachel Canning, an 18-year old from New Jersey, made this fantasy a reality.

She started a controversial  lawsuit involving her parents that now raises the ultimate question: is it just for teenagers to sue their parents to financially provide for their education?

Her parents, Sean and Elizabeth Canning, threatened to financially cut off their daughter at the age of 18 after Canning continuously missed curfew, consumed alcohol, skipped chores, and had a boyfriend of whom they disapproved.

Then in October, a few days before her 18th birthday, Canning moved into her best friend Jaime Inglesino’s house, so she would not have to abide by her parents’ rules. Canning’s parents immediately followed through and refused to further support her financially.

This prompted Canning to sue her parents. Her lawsuit claims her parents should pay all of her outstanding educational fees as well as her future college tuition.

Canning knowingly broke her parent’s and school rules, understanding that there would be consequences. She then left her parent’s home of her own free will in order to avoid their rules which were only put into place because they care about her.

If she is not able to recognize this, it is her failing.

Even though the case was formally dismissed by state Superior Court Judge Peter Bogard on March 18 after Rachel moved back into her parent’s home the week prior, it doesn’t make her former actions any less revolting.

As a part of court evidence, Bogard played a profane voice mail that Canning had left for her mother, in which Canning obscenely tells her, among other vulgarities, “I f****ing hate you” and concludes with “have a nice life.”

I fully support her parent’s refusal not to fund her schooling while she is not living under their roof. Canning’s reasons for leaving are bratty and frankly, disgusting.

If she leaves the house out of her own accord, it is her problem and her parents are not entitled to owe her anything.

Not every teenager gets along with their parents, but that does not mean that they should sue them when they have already provided for their child for 18 years.