The not so United States


Illustration by Rachel Macias

The United States will miss their main source of Mexican food and iPhones if California secedes from the rest of the country.

California is arguably the most influential state.  

So when Donald Trump was elected, Twitter blew up with posts and stated their anger with the hashtag Calexit, meaning that California should secede from the Union and become their own independent country. 

This idea was created out of anger and was not meant to be taken seriously.  

The Yes California campaign has received more attention and has been growing in momentum since that fateful November night. Their purpose is to get enough support to put secession on  the U.S. on the ballot in 2020.

“I don’t think it’s possible for California to be its own country,” said Cal High senior Trinum Jain. “It would be a big change.” 

San Francisco was blessed with naked Trump statues.  Bernie signs were plastered on every apartment window and gay pride flags danced in the wind.  Then it felt like Californians were stabbed in the back by their own country.      

The sadness was heard across the state. Cries could be heard so loud, one would have thought every citizen’s favorite “Walking Dead” character had just been beaten over the head by a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Will California finally accept his inevitable presidency? Eh.

It is a far-fetched idea, but California might be better off as its own country. There is no denying that California is very diverse and most of it’s citizens do not support Trump’s ideas on immigration, such as building a gold, jewel encrusted wall made of the finest concrete. 

Not to mention that our environment could soon be in the hands of Scott Pruitt, who doesn’t believe in global climate change. Sounds like a flashback to when a member of Congress held a snowball and said global warming was a hoax.

Whether it is a Chinese hoax is still up for debate.

So essentially, we should be letting a billionaire give us generalized opinions about the our natural world with no evidence to support him, over thousands of highly educated researchers who have devoted their lives to the subject and have decades worth of facts to back them up. 

Sounds like business as usual for the U.S. government.

I’m no mathematician, but we should probably listen to the lab coats over the Armani suit.

The government won’t allow secession. California has been given the short end of the stick, but the federal government has realized it needs California. 

“As the sixth largest economy in the world, California is more economically powerful than France and has a larger population than Poland,” according to 

The U.S would be nothing without California, which offers  good jobs and big companies.      

More importantly they produce a large amount of food like fruits and vegetables. Calexit is just being used to show the rest of the country that California is a strong independent state.

It doesn’t need to be united with the other states, because California has grown up. It’s time to move out.