Summer different for seniors and juniors

Rebecca Newman

As seniors soak up the summer sun, juniors are stuck in windowless classrooms preparing for standardized tests and essays.

For seniors it’s time to kick their feet up and sip on some iced tea under the sun. All their hard work paid off and they know exactly where they are headed in the fall. 

But for juniors this summer is their last chance to squeeze in as much volunteering as possible, put in final preparations for the  SAT or ACT, and starting thinking about college applications.

Junior year can be tough, but it doesn’t stop when school year does on Friday. Summer can be a little bit of a breather, but the stress of doing the absolute most for college preparation is still a lot. 

“I am studying for the SAT all summer and doing a lot of volunteering,” junior Sophie Golunova said. 

SAT dates are scheduled throughout the year, but for those who are taking it in August, the stress doesn’t stop after the last day of school. Others who already took the SAT are often looking to complete courses over the summer instead of taking them the following school year.

“I am taking an art class over the summer and an English class so I can graduate early,” junior Hana Coughlin said. “ I also plan to work a lot of the summer.” 

Taking classes over the summer at DVC or through the district has become very popular because they only last for a couple of weeks, compared to an entire year or semester. 

This creates a possibility to get ahead in math, science and other courses. Taking courses over the summer also means students have to take fewer classes during the school year, which is even more appealing.

Juniors are trying to balance volunteering, work, and academic courses over the summer to show colleges everything they can for their applications.

Many seniors, on the other hand, are spending as much time as possible with friends and family before saying goodbye to them and hello to their new college home. 

“Over the summer I am going to the senior trip to Hawaii and another trip to Cabo. Also going to Cancun with the family,” senior Keyan Foroodian said. “I also plan to go hiking.”

For some seniors, this summer is the time to get in as many trips and adventures as possible. But for some, this summer is their first real break in years.

“All four years I played Cal football so that’s what I would usually do all summer,” senior David Hsia said. “But this year I have my senior trip to Hawaii. I am also planning to go swimming a lot with friends and play spikeball, basketball, football and just enjoy the nice weather.”

Although seniors’ summer is filled with fun and freedom, many have a lot to do before heading to college. 

“My summer will be relaxing taking several beach trips and going to Yosemite,” senior Nick Marcozzi said. “But I will also be coaching a swim team and working. Graduation parties are all throughout the summer and I have to get ready to leave for Boise.”

Seniors are looking for adventure while juniors are remembering the days they had filled with adventure. Juniors are reminiscing the experiences they had freshman and sophomore year and just wishing they knew their future. 

It’s hard for juniors to manage academics, a social life, volunteering, and working. But it will all be worth it when they are the ones with their feet up sipping on some iced tea, having a good time next summer.