Why this election is the worst in years

It’s because Trump is a crazy fascist

Adam Poklemba

Almost everybody knows who Donald Trump is.

And, according to the online polls, 40 percent of Republicans think he would make a great candidate for their party this year.

His rallies attract huge amounts of people.

Trump’s legendary “policies” include building a wall along the Mexico-U.S. border, huge international trade reform, and making America great again.

He’s known for what his supporters call “brutal honesty,” and what those who don’t support him call rudeness, sexism, and racism.

But the question remains, is Trump in any way a valid presidential candidate?

Let’s talk about immigration.

As of 2012, there were approximately 11.4 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S, according to the Department of Homeland Security. About 6.7 million of these immigrants were from Mexico.

“I don’t think the 11 million, which is a number you have been hearing for many, many years, I’ve been hearing that number for five years, I don’t think that is an accurate number anymore,” Trump told the show, Morning Joe. “I am now hearing it’s 30 million. It could be 34 million, which is a much bigger problem.”

When asked about his sources, he replied, “I am hearing it from other people, and I have seen it written in various newspapers. The truth is the government has no idea how many illegals are here.”

But Trump seems to think he knows how many illegals are here. The solution Trump has proposed is to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Marc Rosenblum, deputy director of the U.S. Immigration Policy Program at the Migration Policy Institute, estimated the low end of the price of the wall being around $15 billion.

But, thankfully, Trump reassuringly said, “Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively.”

He plans to do so by impounding the $22 billion that Mexican families receive from their family working in the U.S. illegally until Mexico agrees to pay for a wall.

The wall that wouldn’t exactly help their economy out.

He also plans to end citizenship being given to children born in the U.S. He has yet to release a plan for getting rid of the 11 to 34 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States, but personally I’m very excited to see it.

“[Trump] is calling for a temporary shutdown on Muslims entering the U.S.,” said his first TV ad, released in the beginning of the year. “Until we can figure out what’s going on.”

It’s quite obvious that Trump can’t actually do any of these things- Congress would never let them pass.

Trump has been the frontrunner for the Republican party for the past couple of months, and before his first TV ad, he hadn’t spent a dime on advertisements.

The media has given him all of the attention he could ever need. It’s an effective strategy for now, but if Trump is actually elected (God forbid), his dutiful supporters will do one of two things: get angry with Congress, or get angry at Trump.

And if they’re angry at Trump, there’s no wall that’ll be able to save him.

So, don’t be a chump, dump the Trump.


It’s because Sanders is a socialist

Noah Thompson

Bernie Sanders cannot be president.

He is a self-proclaimed socialist. Socialism, by definition, is a political ideology based around government control of the means of production.

And it has a troubling history of being very restrictive on economic growth.

But he exclaims that he supports “democratic” socialism!

They’re totally different things, right? If you slap “democracy” in front of anything, images of screaming eagles and Sarah Palin float through your head, so it can’t be all that bad.

Actually, it can be.

Take the “democratic socialist” country of Venezuela. Venezuela voted for Nicholás Maduro for president in a democratic way, but what they got in return is the antithesis to democracy.

After 18 years of “democratic” socialism, the Venezuelan economy is on the verge of collapse. The country constantly struggles with shortages of food, medicine, and even toilet paper.

Inflation, the situation in which prices rise and the value of a country’s currency drops, has skyrocketed to a whopping 720 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund.

They’re also $10 billion in debt, which the Venezuelan government is likely to default on.

If Sanders is elected president, could the U.S. become Venezuela?

It’s almost guaranteed that the national debt will grow exponentially, unemployment will escalate, and inflation will rise.

Venezuela remains a perfect example of what socialism does to countries.

Sanders also proposes a lot of “free stuff.” But as the saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

What this means is that someone always has to pay for everything. Someone had to make your lunch. And it all comes out of somebody’s wallet.

Free health care never works, and it never has.

Although patients receive care, they often have to wait months to get it.

This is because when something is offered for free, everyone will take advantage of it, leaving many (even those in desperate need of assistance) waiting in line, often dying during their wait.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Sanders’ spending would cost a total of $18 trillion.

But fret not, for the “one percent” will pay for it. Actually, the one percent could never pay for all of Sanders’ giveaways.

Even if taxed at a 100 percent income tax rate, they couldn’t even fund Medicare alone for three years, according to journalist Neil Cavuto.

And even if Sanders attempted to tax these people to death, they’d do something very simple – leave.

That’s what has happened in many countries, such as  Greece.

If that happened in the United States, the economy would struggle, as the world’s biggest earners are the biggest investors.

And if the top earners can’t pay, guess who’s next? That’s right, the middle class.

You, me, your parents, and millions of other Americans.

Bernie Sanders cannot be the next president. As president, he may do irreversible damage to the country.

If “demorcatic socialist” Senator Bernie Sanders wins, prepare to feel a “bern”-ing hole in your wallet.